At what temperature should you set the heating?
The ideal heating temperature brings us multiple benefits for our health and also represents great energy savings that will be noticeable on the bill.
Smart air conditioning guarantees you absolute control over the temperature of your home.
At what temperature do you set the heating to achieve an ideal environment? In this guide we explain what the recommended temperature for heating is, along with its advantages and how to regulate the interior air conditioning to achieve it.
What is the recommended heating temperature?
In general, the recommended temperature at which the heating must be set is set in a range of 18 to 20 °C .
However, the ideal heating temperature varies depending on the day or night. Thus, during the day , the ideal would be to adjust the intelligent air conditioning between 20 and 21 °C , while at night it should be lower, between 16 and 18 °C , to promote rest.
If you set the thermostat to a higher temperature , your house will be too hot and may be unsafe for babies and people with heart problems . On the contrary, if the temperature is lower, it will be harmful in the long run for people with respiratory problems. Therefore, staying within the recommended heating temperature ranges is the most appropriate.

Advantages of choosing an optimal heating temperature
Wellbeing at home
Achieving maximum comfort at home by regulating the heating at an optimal temperature will not only improve our sleep and prevent us from waking up tired, but it will also bring us other benefits for our health, such as preventing aging .
On the other hand, an adequate temperature will help us maintain concentration and remain active , whether working, studying or reading a book.
Energy and economic savings
Lowering your thermostat just one degree can reduce monthly energy consumption by 1% to 3%. If you also lower the temperature by between 5 and 10 degrees every night or when you are away from home, you can save up to 15% on your next heating bill.
The temperature at which the heating is set depends on several factors, such as the season of the year, whether you are away from home and the time of day. However, just a few degrees can make a big economic difference.
It is estimated that with each degree you adjust your thermostat, you can save between 1% and 3% on your bill. In this regard, having a smart thermostat It makes it much easier to set different temperatures for day and night and even control the heating temperature when you are away from home.
Environmental care
By using an optimal heating temperature it is possible to reduce your carbon footprint and help the environment.
Controlling the degrees and setting an optimal heating temperature promotes sustainability. By reducing thermostat settings during the winter months, CO2 emissions will also be reduced .
Government temperature control in Spain
Last August, the government approved a series of energy saving and efficiency measures that, on the one hand, limit the air conditioning temperature to 27 degrees in summer and, on the other, the heating temperature to 19 in winter in any indoor environment. public. Whether commercial establishments, cultural spaces, stations or airports, among others.
Likewise, the temperature in the offices should be between 17 and 27 degrees , while in places where less sedentary and more active work is carried out the temperature will be between 14 and 25 degrees .

Alternatives when controlling heating
Analog thermostat
Traditional analog thermostats are the most basic type that exists , since to adjust the heating temperature we will only have to rotate the thermostat head manually to the desired temperature.
Get a comfortable environment by regulating the ideal heating temperature with a digital thermostat.
While a programmable digital thermostat for boiler and heating that is programmable will make it much easier for us to maintain the optimal temperature at all times.
Smart thermostat
A smart thermostat can be easily programmed from our mobile phone thanks to its application , in which it is very easy to make adjustments and control the temperature. It's now very easy to change settings, times and scheduling through an app.
Enjoy smart home features, heating automation, cooling, and wireless settings with a smart thermostat.
In addition, it also allows you to manage temperature settings using your voice with Google and Alexa .

Thermostatic heads
The thermostatic head is a device capable of detecting the temperature of the room and, once the desired temperature is reached, automatically stopping the flow of hot water to the radiator to prevent it from overheating, thereby saving heat, energy and cost. which it supposes.
Do you want to save on your heating bill this winter and maintain an ideal temperature in your home? Discover our intelligent air conditioning systems .