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Iluminación con tiras LED

Lighting with LED strips

Do you want to illuminate your house with LED strips? We tell you all the tricks and ideas to get the most out of it!
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tipos de termostato para tu hogar

Types of thermostat. Which one do you need?

Do you want to save on air conditioning without being overheated? Discover the types of thermostats that exist to regulate the temperature of your home in this post.

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Tipos de cámaras de vigilancia

Types of surveillance cameras

Are you thinking about installing a security camera? Discover all the types of surveillance cameras that exist.

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diferencia entre detector de presencia y movimiento

Differences between presence, motion and twilight detectors

Do you know the difference between a presence and motion detector? What is a twilight sensor for? In this article we tell you.

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subida del precio del kWh

Price per kWh on the rise How to save with our smart light bulbs?

The use of smart light bulbs can ensure that your budget is not affected by the increase in the price of kWh.

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tipos de detectores de humo

Types of smoke detectors

Discover the types of smoke detectors that exist on the market, what smart smoke detectors are and how they can help you protect your home.
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Ventajas de la domótica

Advantages and disadvantages of home automation

What are the advantages and disadvantages of home automation? Do you want a smart home? In this article we tell you the pros and cons of home automation.

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Cómo la tecnología puede cambiar nuestros hogares en un futuro.

How technology can change our homes in the future.

Technology is transforming homes around the world, although smart devices are still far from perfect.

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Teletrabajo: consejos para tener la oficina perfecta en casa

Teleworking: tips for having the perfect home office

After COVID 19, millions of people around the world have had to work remotely and many of them will likely have to continue working this way for a long time.
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Domotiza tu jardín o terraza

Home automation of your garden or terrace

We tell you the benefits and examples of using home automation on your terrace or garden this season.
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Cómo hacer paso a paso compost casero para tu jardín

How to make homemade compost for your garden step by step

Some of the misconceptions about homemade compost are that it is too complicated or smells funny. All of this can be true if done incorrectly.
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Tipos de calefactores para enfrentarte al frío

Types of heaters to face the cold

With November the arrival of the cold is inevitable and with it, the heaters. We all need to stay warm in our homes, but we like it to be at the lowest possible price, something that is not always easy to achieve.

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